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Parent Involvement


Parents are one of Head Start & Early Head Start's most valuable resources - not only as primary educators  of their children but also as policy makers of their children's local Head Start & Early Head Start program.

Parent Involvement

Head Start/Early Head Start encourages parents to be involved with their child's learning through either program. This involvement may include:

  • Helping to make decisions about the Head Start/Early Head Start programs through involvement with Policy Council, the Health Services Advisory Committee (HSAC), Parent Committees, or other special committees.
  • Participate in a Head Start classroom as a paid employee, volunteer or observer
  • Help plan and develop activities for parents and children
  • Be involved in literacy activities with children
  • Volunteer time and talents
  • Help plan and attend socializations (TAP) in Early Head Start twice per month with their children.
  • During home visits, participate in child/parent activities.


2023-2024 Head Start Parent Handbook

2022-2023 Head Start Parent Handbook (Spanish)

2023-2024 Head Start Volunteer Handbook

Contact your Family Advocate/Home Visitor or your child's classroom to learn about the ways to become involved!

Parent Committees

Parent Committees exist in every Head Start center. These committees work with the Family Advocate and classroom staff to organize events inside and outside the classroom. Additionally, committee members help plan monthly parent meetings that include all parents of children in the center.

Policy Council

Policy Council is a group that consists of parents and legal guardians of Head Start/Early Head Start children currently enrolled in either program, former Head Start/Early Head Start parents and community agency representatives. The Policy Council is a shared decision making body of the Head Start/Early Head Start program that works in partnership with key management staff and the agency governing body to develop, review, and approve or disapprove certain policies and procedures; serve as a link to the Parent Committee, governing body and community; and assist Parent Committees. Policy Council members are elected by the parents in each center on an annual basis.

Policy Council meets on a monthly basis (with a combined November & December meeting in early December and no meeting in June or July unless needed due to program business).

Policy Council Meeting Minutes





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